Lake Texoma, Texas

Cedar Mills Marina

April 2, 2022

When prepping to make the trip over to Lake Texoma, we noticed that the route took us through Paris… Texas! [insert laugh track] And naturally, we had to stop and see the Eiffel Tower in all its glory.

I wasn’t expecting much, but it somehow managed to underwhelm my lowly expectations…

Another reason for stopping was a pesky puncture in our trailer tire which refused to hold air, even after a thorough patch job. Despite the annoyance of having to stop several times along the rest of the trip to air the tire up, thankfully, we managed to make it to Texoma without any major issues and replaced the tire in Sherman the next day.

Our campground for the week was located within the sprawling property that is the Cedar Mills Marina, located just across the bridge on the Texas side of the lake. My family has a long history with Cedar Mills as this is where my parents have docked their sailboat for almost two decades now and were I spent many summer weekends during my teen years. We also occasionally went down there for holidays with our extended family who would stay in the rental cabins, and we slept on the boat. However, this was the first time that I had visited the area in a camper. It turned out to be a perfectly serviceable RV park, complete with full hookups, but not much else. But hey, the view was pretty damn good!

Like I mentioned, the place is huge and much more than just a marina. They also have a halfway decent restaurant/bar, rows and rows of permanent, individually owned trailers, a petting zoo, and even an airstrip. We even got to see a few take-offs and landings while we were out on our walks, which is always fun!

No trip to Cedar Mills would be complete without my family, and we were blessed to be joined by my parents who brought their camper down for a few days and camped out a few sites over. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to take the boat out, but we still managed to have a good time – even as landlubbers! And although we were still a few months away from summer and the lake wasn’t nearly as busy as it can be, you could feel the excitement in the air as everyone was gearing up for the magical time of year – summertime at the lake!