Augusta, Georgia

Petersburg Campground

October 2, 2021

Getting from Savannah to Augusta was another manageable three-ish hour drive along two-lane state highways which meandered through the pine forests and cotton farms of the Georgia countryside. We have found that three hours is pretty much the ideal travel length as it allows us to cover a decent amount of ground without taking up the whole day.

Since our campground for the week was a good distance outside of Augusta city limits, we opted to hit the grocery store as we passed through town before setting up camp. In fact, this ended up being the only time we were actually in Augusta so we can’t really say much about the city – other than saying that the Wal-Mart was pretty average. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

However, there is a good reason we didn’t leave our campground all week – it was friccin awesome! The Petersburg Campground was yet another Army Corp of Engineers campground, and, as you can see from the banner pic above, it was another good one. Our site was located right on Clarks Hill Lake with a fantastic view of the sunset (when it wasn’t raining, but more on that later) and easy access to the shore.

Like most COE campgrounds, this one had electric and water hookups but no sewer (other than the dump station). Although we have to ration our water usage in these situations, it’s not the end of the world and we have ways to keep our tanks from filling up like catching our dish water in a big bowl and dumping it out on the ground (shhh, don’t tell the EPA). Plus, the lack of sewer hookups has the added benefit of keeping out some of the riff raff by preventing them from setting up camp and squatting for months on end.

We had a wonderful week just hanging around the campground and enjoying the simple pleasures the area had to offer such as lounging…


or putz’n around in the kayak.

Thankfully, we got all our activities out of the way early because once it started raining on Tuesday, it basically didn’t stop until it was time for us to leave on Saturday. It was such a tease to be stuck inside for the rest of our stay knowing just how much fun was to be had out there. In addition to being cooped up inside, we also had other issues to deal with as a result of the downpour. After about a day of nonstop rain, we noticed that the water level was beginning to rise quickly and realized that we needed to do something about our kayak which was sitting down on the beach. And good thing we figured this out when we did or else that kayak would’ve been a goner since the lake rose about 3-4 feet in the matter of a couple of days!

Although we don’t have much to say about the Augusta area at large, we can say with confidence that the Petersburg Campground on the shores of Clarks Hill Lake was one of the best campgrounds that we have ever visited (especially considering it was only $28 a night) and if we are ever back in the area, we will be sure to stay here again!