Charlotte, North Carolina

McDowell Nature Preserve

September 18, 2021

Following a lovely stay up in Blue Ridge Mountains just outside Asheville, it was time for us to make our way towards the ocean. However, before we could make it to the Atlantic, we had a single night stay booked at the McDowell Nature Preserve in Charlotte, NC. The reason behind this stop was two-fold: partly to break up the long journey, but also so that Sam could meet up with here friend Kerry, who lives in downtown Charlotte.

Unfortunately, we didn’t get any pics of the campground. In fact, we didn’t really explore the park at all as Sam made her way downtown pretty much right after we got there. As for me, I don’t have much of an excuse other than football being on TV…

While I was being a couch potato, Sam was having a blast with Kerry over in downtown Charlotte – sipping fun drinks, going to trendy restaurants (note the bistro lights in the pic below), and just enjoying some girl time.

Whelp, that’s about it for this one! Not much to report on when you’re only in a spot for a single night… We’ll catch ya next time when we detail our trip over to marvelous (and muggy) Charleston, South Carolina!