Leonard, Michigan

Addison Oaks County Park

August 5, 2021

We had a blast in our old stomping grounds of Cleveland, but we had a schedule to keep and the next item on our itinerary was Samme’s wedding in [drum-roll]… the Detroit area, of all places. If it was up to me, we wouldn’t ever retrace our steps like this, but sadly, Samme and Nina didn’t have our travel plans in mind when they were scheduling their respective weddings – very inconsiderate, I know!

Although, this retracing of our steps meant that we would have to travel through Toledo again 🤮, on the plus side, it also allowed us the opportunity to stop by our friends, Drew and Morgan’s new place just outside Fremont, Ohio for a few hours where we got to tour their new house before squeezing in a quick nine holes at Drew’s local golf course!

Upon saying goodbye to Drew and Morgan, we hopped back into the truck to finish up this crappy drive. After enduring countless potholes and innumerable reckless drivers, we finally made it through Detroit and arrived at our campground – the Addison Oaks County Park. Located almost directly north of Detroit outside the small town of Leonard, Michigan, this municipal park is a part of the same county parks network as our previous campground in the area, Groveland Oaks, and it showed. Much like Groveland Oaks, Addison Oaks was nice, quiet and cheap (the holy trinity of campgrounds) and was complete with a small network of bike paths which made for a great opportunity to test out our new e-bikes!

When we weren’t hanging around the park, we were doing wedding activities – the first of which was the actual wedding ceremony that was held at a lovely country club only a few miles up the road. This place was gorgeous and I couldn’t help but speculate as to how much member dues were for a place like this (see banner pic)! Definitely outside my price range! The ceremony was beautiful, small, and intimate, with only family and close friends in attendance – the real party was scheduled for the next day.

Samme and Jeff got creative when they picked out the location for their reception, which was held the following evening at the nearby Jimmy John’s Field, home to an independent baseball league. This was such a cool idea! We had a blast reconnecting with Sam’s old friends/ neighbors, hanging with Jess and Paul, and celebrating the newlyweds (of course), all while taking in a doubleheader at the same time!

As I seem to say at the end of most blogs these days, this trip was an absolute whirlwind! It seemed like we barely had a moment to breath before we found ourselves packing up to hit the road once again. Our next stop saw us saying goodbye to he Detroit area once again (good riddance, but I’ll just leave it at that, don’t want to trash Sam’s “hometown” too much) and venturing south to the Pokagon State Park, located in the very northeastern tip of Indiana.