Salina, Kansas

Sundown RV Park

March 27, 2021

After a nice little stay in Denver with our moms, we said our goodbyes and hit the road once more. Fortunately, it wouldn’t be long until we saw them again as our next waypoint was Mike and Karen’s house in Norman for Easter/Meme's Birthday/Sam’s bridal shower (which Char would also be flying in to attend).

Theoretically, we could have made the trip from Denver to Norman in a single day (~11-hour drive). However, in practice, we have come to accept that anything over eight hours is just too much for us to drive in one day. Knowing this, we opted to split the trip in two and stay the night just outside Salina, Kansas. Boy, were we glad that we decided to do this! Although the trip to Salina was just another straight shot east along I-70, it was not a casual drive. The wind was howling out of the north all day with gusts upwards of 40 mph, which made for a helluva crosswind and caused the camper to feel more like a parachute than a travel trailer.

After a day of white-knuckling and stress-induced hair twirling, we finally made it to Salina in one piece. Our campground during our short stopover in the area was the Sundown RV Park, a bareboned, automated park located just off the interstate. We had long heard rumors about these automated RV parks, but this was our first time to experience one of these bad boys. Rather than an office on-site with someone checking people in, this place provided each camper with a unique code upon booking that activated the gate when you arrived. Although this place wasn’t anything that we would consider for a normal week-long stay, it was perfect for a quick pop-in to split up a long road trip.


We have a confession to make.

We committed the ultimate travel blogger sin while we were in Salina – we forgot to take pics! As I’m sure you can tell from the banner above, we did not take that picture featuring a completely empty campground (it was actually quite full when we were there and we ended up poaching the pic from their website). However, in our defense, there wasn’t much in the area that could be considered “picture worthy.” Just sayin’…

Please forgive us, blogger gods. We won’t let it happen again!