Grapevine, Texas

The Vineyards Campground and Cabins

November 7, 2020

Following another long, uneventful drive through the Texas countryside, we finally arrived at our destination for the week – The Vineyards Campground in Grapevine (north side of the Dallas metro).

You don’t have to know much about RV parks to recognize that this place is pretty cool. Just look at that location! Our site was situated on a long peninsula which jutted out into Grapevine Lake and made for beautiful views in every direction. This spot also provided me with plenty of fishing opportunities, but sadly, I was skunked once again – not even a nibble! (I guess that’s why they call it fishin’, and not catchin’.)

But this place had more going for it other than some pretty scenery. Upon arrival we were greeted by the friendliest camp hosts who escorted us to our site and got us all situated. Although we never got around to checking it out, the hosts informed us that the park regularly provided coffee, donuts, and other goodies in the little campground shop. We also learned that the park offered generously-priced golf cart rentals – and let’s just say people were taking advantage of it. There were golf carts everywhere, which made for some fun people watching – especially when the kids got a hold of the wheel.

The Vineyards was probably the most “family friendly” park that we had visited up to this point. Being childless (other than little Charlotte, of course), we were definitely in the minority – but that isn’t to say we enjoyed our stay any less. Although the campground was a bit more rambunctious than normal, everyone was respectful, and we actually enjoyed the change in atmosphere compared to the sleepy campgrounds we had been to recently.

Speaking of the atmosphere, this place was humid! After living in Denver for a few years and cruising around the west all summer, we had grown used to the dry climate and had forgotten what humidity felt like (not great, Bob)! However, other than the humidity, the weather was perfect during our stay in Grapevine. We had caught Texas at just the right time of year – the leaves were turning, the nights only had a slight nip, the days were warm and sunny. Texas was kind of growing on us, which is hard for me to admit as a lifelong Oklahoma fan…

Another reason to like Texas was the presence of old friends. Ahead of our visit, Sam got in touch with her friend, Amanda, to schedule a little get-together while we were in town. Sam and Amanda originally met in Cleveland during our time at Keybank. Amanda was nice enough to drive up to Grapevine, check out the rig, and hang for a bit before she and Sam went back to her place in Dallas for a slumber party!

After being on the road with a smelly boy for the past few months, Sam really enjoyed getting to hang with Amanda and have some real “girl time” for once. Sam also had a great time seeing Amanda’s new condo and catching up with Amanda’s dog, Dolce!

In addition to remembering how much humidity sucks, we were also reminded of the joys of traffic during our stay in the Dallas area. It was a battle driving that big-ass truck in Dallas traffic to go pick Sam up from Amanda’s that next morning, but luckily, we made it out in one piece. Sadly, our reward for making it out of downtown Dallas was more driving. It was moving day. This time, our journey took us north up I-35 to the great state of Oklahoma!

Join us next time when we head to Norman to celebrate Thanksgiving with those we love (even though they drive us crazy sometimes)!