Warsaw, Missouri

Harry S. Truman State Park

May 22, 2022

After a disastrous trip to Des Moines, it looked like we were starting to trend upward (at least I was starting to feel better), so we decided to stick with our itinerary and make the long trip south into Missouri. Man, was that a long trip (about five and a half hours)… Turns out that I had vastly underestimated how much better I was, but thankfully, we made it to our new campground in one piece! 🙏🙏

Speaking of our new campground, we would be staying at the Harry S. Truman State Park for the next few days. Located on the lake (technically “reservoir”) with the same name, this state park sits roughly halfway between Kansas City and Springfield just outside the small town of Warsaw, Missouri. With Sam still being sick, we never really made it into town other than my solo trip to Walmart to secure some groceries.

Although both of us were on the mend, this sickness was a persistent one and kept us cooped up for much of our time in the area. Thankfully, we were well enough to move the camper about halfway through our stay as we discovered that the internet on the other side of the park was much better than the reception that we had in our original location (and thankfully the place was enough of a ghost town during the week that we were able to have our pick of the litter).

All in all, this was once again one of our least eventful stops in all our travels. That is far from an indictment on the area, we just didn’t have much in us to even try to get out and do anything. Tune in next time, when we make our way further South on our last stop before arriving in Springfield.