Glenns Ferry, Idaho

Y Knot Winery RV Park

July 30, 2020

Much like the previous few legs of our journey, the trip to Glenns Ferry saw us continuing northwestward along I-84. Unfortunately, just before we were set to leave Heyburn, we discovered that Charlotte had gone missing! We searched and searched before finally locating Charlotte in her new hiding spot – deep in one of the cubbies at the back of the trailer used to store towels and other bathroom accessories.

We originally opted to bring Charlotte into the truck with us on travel days. However, after hours of nonstop meowing, we had to abandon this arrangement. We figured that it would benefit all parties involved (us and the cat, alike) if we simply left Charlotte in the trailer while we moved between locations. We no longer had to deal with her meowing and Charlotte could stay in the trailer where she was most comfortable. It took her a few weeks, but it looked like Charlotte had chosen her “safe space” within our new home.

Assured that Charlotte was safe and secure, we hit the road once more. Thanks to the advice of Sam’s grandmother, we chose to take a slight detour and stop by the Shoshone Falls (see banner picture, above) on our way to Glenns Ferry. We were so glad that we decided to do this, the falls were awesome. Dubbed the “Niagara of the West,” the Shoshone falls, at 212 feet tall, actually stands 45 feet higher than its eastern counterpart. If you are ever passing through this area along I-84, we strongly advise that you take the short trek off the highway to view the falls. You won’t regret it!

Once the falls had been thoroughly photographed, we got back onto the highway and finished the trip to our next campsite – the Y Knot Winery in Glenns Ferry. Part vineyard, part golf course, part RV park, this location was a bit different compared to our other campsites thus far.

Although it was a fun collection of activities, the unique combination came with a few downsides. Most notable among them was the check-in process which was overseen by a group of ladies who tripled as front desk clerks, waitresses, and bartenders. After a few misunderstandings and headaches getting checked in, we settled into our spot before putz'n over to the club restaurant/tasting room to sample the local fare.

Another downside of this locale was the internet connection. Up to this point, we had not had many issues with connectivity, but the cell service within the Y Knot campsite was spotty at best. Fortunately, we were only here for one workday, so it wasn’t too much of an issue for Sam. Should we have been here much longer, we would have had to figure out a workaround.

Much like Heyburn, we weren’t in Glenns Ferry long enough to really explore the area in detail. However, we were able to check out the nearby Three Island Crossing State Park, which we learned was once home to a perilous river crossing for the early pioneers along the Oregon Trail. Today, the park houses several large campgrounds, ideal for family reunions and other group camping activities.

After a couple days, it was time for us to put Glenns Ferry in our rearview and head to Sam’s parents’ house in Eagle, Idaho (just outside Boise) – the first major “boulder” of our trip!

(“Boulders” are what we call major waypoints along our journey and “pebbles” are all the stops that fill in the gaps between each boulder. We picked up this lingo from the Keep Your Daydream YouTube channel while we were prepping for our new RV lifestyle.)